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What is Acupuncture?


Acupuncture is a form of East Asian Medicine dating back approximately 5,000 years. Acupuncture itself is the insertion of thin metal needles (normally the thickness of a shaft of hair) into specific points throughout the body. In doing this the body’s own natural healing resources are accessed to promote a positive physiological change.


What is the difference between dry needling and acupuncture?


Dry needling is a term often used by physical therapists and chiropractors used to describe a technique for muscle stimulation using a needle. It is called dry needling because nothing is injected into the body with the needle.


The tool used for dry needling and acupuncture is the same. Both practices use acupuncture needles, which are solid filiform needles.

However, where dry needling and acupuncture differ is the technique and theory for how and where the needles are placed.


Dry needling is focused on using strong stimulation on the muscles to get them to release. Acupuncture, on the other hand, does not use strong stimulation and it is based on channel theory and uses points to heal the body naturally.

As a result, the experience for the patient will be a lot different between these two different forms of treatment. Acupuncture is not painful at all, while dry needling can be.


One key difference between dry needling and acupuncture is the amount of training required to administer each of these forms of treatment. Acupuncture requires years of training. Although it depends on the state, often it requires graduating from an accredited school and hundreds of hours of both classroom training and clinical practice experience.


Dry needling, on the other hand, only requires minimal training. In some states, for example, physical therapists only need to complete 24 hours of classroom training to be able to administer dry needling treatment.


Is Acupuncture safe?


Yes, when administered by a licensed practitioner. A licensed acupuncturist has thousands of hours of training in the correct implementation and administration of acupuncture and associated East Asian medicine techniques. The providers at Jade Star Acupuncture have graduated from an accredited college of East Asian medicine and are licensed in the state of Arizona.


Does Acupuncture hurt?


Generally, acupuncture is painless. At the time of needle insertion, one may feel a slight prick which quickly subsides. More often than not, a patient forgets that they have needles in various locations. Occasionally, a patient may experience a dull ache, a slight warmth or pinkish tint at a particular point, or a minute itch at the area of penetration. These variations are noticed shortly after insertion and diminish momentarily. All minor changes are believed to be positive because they are expressing that the point is working.


What will my first visit be like?


Your first visit will be 1 ½ hours long. Each subsequent visit will be one hour. At the time of your initial visit, your practitioner will escort you to a private treatment room. Your practitioner will then take an in-depth health history to better understand your issue and consequently devise a plan individualized to your needs. After this process has been accomplished, then we’ll start your treatment. Generally, the treatment itself lasts 30 to 45 minutes. Most of the time our patients fall asleep. After the treatment has concluded patients have stated that they feel more relaxed or energized.


What should I do to prepare for my visit?


Please wear loose-fitting clothing, so your practitioner is able to easily access points on legs, arms, and abdomen/back. Also, please be sure to eat prior to your visit and be well hydrated.


How many treatments will I need?


There are many factors that dictate the number of treatments a patient may need such as length of time symptoms have been present, severity and duration of episodes, and constitutional factors like overall health and age. It is best to come in so that your practitioner may access your specific needs and develop an individualized treatment plan just for you.


How much does it cost? [This reflects our time of service cash discount rates, insurance rates vary by plan]


To keep the cost as affordable to our patients as we can, we charge $140 for the initial new patient visit and $100 for follow-up visits (not including cosmetic acupuncture or cranial sacral). We are also able to bill most medical insurance carriers which can reduce your costs. Children 12 and under are $65, and a 30-minute visit strictly for cupping and gua sha is $65.


Will acupuncture interfere with my medications?


Acupuncture is a safe therapy that can work alongside your medications and oftentimes can make them work more efficiently. We do not advise our patients to discontinue medications prescribed by their doctor. Rather we urge you to inform your doctor of all adjacent therapies you may use so that your doctor can monitor or adjust your prescriptions according to your improvements. At Jade Star Acupuncture & Wellness we strive to complement not compete with Western medicine.


Do you offer any other therapies?


Yes, we do. We offer a variety of Chinese medical treatments to accompany your acupuncture treatment. Other treatments include an herbal consultation, moxibustion, cupping massage, gua sha, electrostimulation, and more. We also have a nutrition consultant and massage therapists on our team. During your new patient visit or follow-up appointment, your provider will determine if any additional methods will improve the efficiency of your acupuncture treatment.



If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team would like to welcome you to our office to care for your holistic needs. 520-881-0827 

Jade Star Acupuncture and Wellness

                     Main Office:

6440 E. Broadway Blvd. Tucson AZ 85710

Tel: 520-881-0827

            Green Valley Office
670 S. Park Centre Green Valley, AZ 85614

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GV office sees patients on Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays
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